Article author: Alwyn Ash
The big celebration to see launch of exciting stories for every Doctor...
Eleven Doctors, eleven months! These magnificent tales continue with Destiny of the Doctor 2 adventure Shadow of Death, this time featuring the Second Doctor (as regularly played by actor Patrick Troughton from 1966-69).
Written by Simon Guerrier and directed by John Ainsworth, Shadow of Death is sure to be another success, following on from last month's First Doctor story Hunters From Earth. Frazer Hines and Evie Dawnay perform as Jamie McCrimmon and Sophie.
"Following an emergency landing, the TARDIS arrives on a remote world orbiting a peculiar star - a pulsar which exerts an enormous gravitational force, strong enough to warp time. On further exploration the Doctor and his friends, Jamie and Zoe, discover a human outpost on the planet surface, inhabited by scientists who are there to study an ancient city. The city is apparently abandoned, but the scientists are at a loss to explain what happened to its sophisticated alien architects. The Doctor discovers that something dark, silent and deadly is also present on the world - and it is slowly closing in on the human intruders..."
It has been worked out rather nicely so that the current Doctor (played by Matt Smith in the television series) will appear in his own title in November, the Anniversary month! All stories are produced by Big Finish for AudioGO. Performers for each adventure will be announced through the year.
These audiobooks will be available for download, or on a single CD (RRP £10.20). With music and sound design courtesy of Simon Hunt, what better way to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the greatest sci-fi show on Planet Earth than to add each of these to your audio collection...
Simon Guerrier has penned the BBC Doctor Who novels The Time Travellers, The Pirate Loop, and The Slitheen Excursion; his work for Big Finish includes Key 2 Time adventure The Prisoner's Dilemma, Companion Chronicles tale Shadow of the Past (featuring Caroline John as Liz Shaw), and Sapphire and Steel outing The School. He also brought us Graceless, starring Ciara Janson and Laura Doddington as Abby and Zara respectively.
Further reading: AudioGO - official website
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
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» Destiny of the Doctor - Shadow of Death
Destiny of the Doctor - Shadow of Death
Tuesday, February 05, 2013
AlwynAsh, Audiobooks, AudioGO, AudioNews, BigFinish, Classic Doctor Who, DestinyOfTheDoctor, DoctorWho, DoctorWho50th, EvieDawnay, FrazerHines, GenesisWho, JamieMcCrimmon, News, PatrickTroughton, SimonGuerrier